Sunday, June 5, 2011

Making Your Business Memorable

Gingerbread Folk are unlocking your clients' and employees' positive emotions to make businesses remembered. ..and all from the comfort of the work desk!

Have you
experienced how a smell or taste can instantly transport us to another time and place.

Marcel Proust a French novelist, described this in his monumental work À la recherche du temps perdu (translated as Remembrance of Things Past). He writes of an experience in which he tastes a Madeline cookie and a sip of lemon tea and is flooded by a vivid happy memory of his Aunt's house, from his childhood 40 years earlier.

Smell and taste relate to memories of emotional rather than informational content explains Dr. Stuart Firestein, a biologist from Columbia University. He adds that this sensory memory, recalls very distant but strong memories and recreates them vividly. It is a survival trait that helps us avoid what we don't like to eat but advantageously allows us to enjoy our positive experiences time and again.

Gingerbread Folk have a range of corporate gifts to refresh and rejuvenate your business relationships. Open a tin of gingerbread cookies, let the aroma embrace you and the taste transport you. For more about Gingerbread Folk's memorable cookies visit

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