Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Kits, Kids and Easter

Yesterday we found the inspiring blog ‘Hold Your Horses Vintage’. Erin, crafty mum of 20 month old Oli, sells vintage wears, is inspired by healthy food inspirations and is constantly creating. She picked up one of our Gingerbread House Kits and turned it into an exciting activity to do with her son, that was both delicious and educational.

We think this is an excellent idea. What better method to teach children than with a Gingerbread House building activity? It’s a creative way to develop concentration and motor skills, teaching cooperation and dexterity - and for the real littlies, a new world of vocabulary opens up…like 'wall', 'roof' and maybe even 'yum yum'.

It looks as though everyone has a lot of fun helping to create a Gingerbread House and just as much fun devouring the masterpiece.

Erin took the finished house to her mother's group for all to enjoy. She was kind enough to share some photos of the experience on her blog and we recommend you check out the happy faces and the beautifully decorated Gingerbread House at www.holdyourhorsesvintage.com.

If you are interested in creating your own Gingerbread Houses, then head to our
website We wish you a safe and Happy Easter! Don’t forget, you can still pick up our egg-free Choc-Gingerbread Bunnies at stockists.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Gingerbread Folk and SEDUCE bring the style back to Easter

When the leaves start to turn those bright autumn hues and a crisp chill freshens the air, you know Easter is near.

Little girls grow up and the Easter Sunday egg hunt no longer seems as important as that extra hour of beauty sleep. Leaving behind pig-tails for updos, plush toys for pumps, play dates for play-suits… Let the fun begin.

Easter is a time for luxury. Feeling good, looking good and indulging in the finest of tastes. That is why Gingerbread Folk have teamed up with iconic Australian fashion label Seduce these holidays. We're swapping sugar for spice and going egg-free, literally, our gingerbread cookies are egg-less, even our royal icing.

If you've ever seen the 1948 film Easter Parade starring Fred Astaire alongside Judy Garland, you'll remember that every Easter Sunday high society would don their best and stroll the streets indulging in high teas, sparkling wine and couture.

Well known Australian fashion label Seduce, is celebrating Easter this year with a fantastic
VIP night serving Deakin Estate sparkling, offering styling sessions in store, and of course, Gingerbread Folk's very own spicy treats…Choc-Gingerbread Bunnies.

We couldn't think of anything better these holidays than to dress up in our best outfit, purchased from Seduce of course, grab the girls, open the sparkling wine and plate up delicious gingerbread cookies

If you're still attending those play-dates but now with little ones in tow, a pot of hot tea and gingerbread cookies make for the perfect morning snack. They are also ideal all-natural lunch-box treats.

Why not even spice it up this Easter and have a gingerbread house building activity with the girls? You can head to our
website for more information on our house kit supplies.

The finest gingerbread cookies, the best of fashion and the closest of friends - Have we died and gone to heaven?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day of Reflection

All has gone quiet here today. No baking as we are clearing the kitchen in preparation for installation of our new oven this morning. It’s really big…In fact you can walk inside it. We have been waiting 10 years for this one!

A lot can happen in a decade. A lot can influence the paths we take. The pause in baking today, has given us a moment to reflect on where we have been and where we are going.

In 2001, cutting the umbilical chord with the corporate world, we set off on a journey that would change our lives and steer us in a direction neither of us had ever imagined. Leaving behind a fast paced Sydney lifestyle and experiencing the beauty and timelessness of the Australian outback, allowed us to think freely. With no consumer bombardment telling us who we are or who we should be, new possibilities and passions were born. This change - this time of reflection - provided the space to visualise a dream.

Over the years, we’ve had plenty of advice on what we should and shouldn’t do in business, and how-to and how-fast we should grow it…But it seemed to us, to be important to allow growth at the pace that suited and would ensure balance in our lives. (Can’t say that was an easy lesson!) Taking the time to plan which years would be ‘growth years for the business’ and which would be ‘growth years for our family’ paid off and resulted in 2 young eager gingerbread consumers to boot!

It’s been a long journey from selling gingerbread men to our local swimming centre in Perth…From first thinking there should be more gingerbread men in the world! The passion to make this happen has never been extinguished. There have been years sourcing environmental packaging, researching egg-free icing and playing with shapes and styles of gingerbread. We now have customers all over Australia, from large corporations to small social groups, bride and grooms, to mums with bubs.

We are inspired by the way our products are received by people of all ages and backgrounds and continue to work to create products for friends and fans to enjoy gingerbread year round and for every occasion.

Sometimes it is nice to stop and reflect…Anyone for gingerbread?