Gingerbread Folk are unlocking your clients' and employees' positive emotions to make businesses remembered. ..and all from the comfort of the work desk!
Have you experienced how a smell or taste can instantly transport us to another time and place.
Marcel Proust a French novelist, described this in his monumental work À la recherche du temps perdu (translated as Remembrance of Things Past). He writes of an experience in which he tastes a Madeline cookie and a sip of lemon tea and is flooded by a vivid happy memory of his Aunt's house, from his childhood 40 years earlier.
Smell and taste relate to memories of emotional rather than informational content explains Dr. Stuart Firestein, a biologist from Columbia University. He adds that this sensory memory, recalls very distant but strong memories and recreates them vividly. It is a survival trait that helps us avoid what we don't like to eat but advantageously allows us to enjoy our positive experiences time and again.
Gingerbread Folk have a range of corporate gifts to refresh and rejuvenate your business relationships. Open a tin of gingerbread cookies, let the aroma embrace you and the taste transport you. For more about Gingerbread Folk's memorable cookies visit http://www.gingerbreadfolk.com.au/corporate.htm
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